Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mission 004// Hip-Hop Is Dead @ Sluggo's

Indeed. It totally went down at Sluggo's last friday, and definitely learned a lot from the other MCs in attendance.  I loved every second of it that i wasn't onstage lol and Chris and I got lots of tips on better showman ship. So thanks everyone who attended, much luv indeed. 

Thanks to the following people, for kicking some of the dopest shit i've heard in a long time:

Big Lo (The Ringleader)
Kice Of Course (The Dauntless Romantic lol)
Troublesome (The expression of a pain you  never knew you felt)
Inferno (The Pittsburgh Punisher grrr)
Game Plan (The Freakin' 'Rican Grand Masta!)
Saga The MC ( just plain pwnage.)

DJ Acrojam (the turntables upon which i place my trust)

I didn't get too many shots of the venue, and none of em too decent either. But i'm uploading some snapshots for you all anyway. (all three of you lol) (thats not an lol matter, either. tsk tsk.) 

Ahh, this is truly God's work. G'nite folks.
